Submissions Advice For Writers: Part I

Going on submissions can feel somewhat alien to writers because while the basics of the process are known, it is a far quieter process than querying. Writers on submissions rarely speak publicly on the subject, and for good reason! But the side effect is that it leaves many unprepared and can also have those out on subs feeling isolated.

To this end, Path2pub has compiled timely insights and advice for writers on subs in 2024!

1. Dive into the next project to distract yourself, and remember – you are more than your stories. You hold value just as you are. Be proud you made it this far!

Chelsea Scott

2. If querying felt like a helpless time where you could do nothing but wait for agents to read/love your query, submissions has a more helpless feeling. Because now there’s a wider divide between you and the end result. For shorter subs, it’s dismissible, but for longer subs, the helpless feeling grows and could make you wish you were more in charge of your dreams.

Find ways to chip in with your agents and to advocate for your book so you feel like you have a bit of control!

— Lucia Damisa

3. Waiting is excruciating – rejection is worse – but sometimes it’s enough to hear that other people are going through it, too.

Despair when it’s tough, if you need to, but persevere. You wouldn’t let your book characters give up, so why would you? And when you finally get that coveted “yes,” it’ll be all the more sweet for your time and effort. That’s what keeps me going. Remembering where I started and knowing, one day, I’ll look back and realize this was all part of the journey, the dream.

Arianna Bent

4. Submission is such an exciting milestone in an author’s career, but it’s also extremely stressful (at least for me it was!). My biggest tip for surviving submission is to have a support network. I would not have survived on submission without my friends.

Bella Galbraith

5. Make sure you prioritize self-care and focusing on the rest of your life. This can feel all-consuming. Don’t let it be.

Nikki Savoy

Thanks to all the writers who contributed to this post. Stayed with us for a second part!

Published by path2pub

From The Trenches To The Shelves

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