Querying Advice For 2024: A Series

Path2pub is starting a series involving YOU the writers. Here, we share timely advice from writers on how to navigate the query trenches.

Rejections are trophies. They are proof that you are trying. They are evidence that you are climbing the mountain, even if it’s too foggy to see how far you are from the top.

Keep a record of all of them. Celebrate milestones like 25, 50, 100 etc. rejections.

— Brandon B Chambers

  • Surround yourself with people that fiercely believe in you
  • Never let yourself become bitter
  • Don’t be too precious with your draft; Take helpful feedback
  • Crying every now and then is therapeutic
  • Don’t hyperfixate on setbacks🌷

— Lucia Damisa

About shelved projects:

Give yourself the time to grieve and be mad about the rejections. It happened to me recently. I was mad and complained about it to my friends who validated these feelings and it started to feel a little better.
I hope the pain eases soon.

— Calli Arena

My advice for writers in the querying trenches is that rejections are not a reflection of your worth as a writer. Keep writing and working on the next project while you’re in the trenches. I promise it will help you hone in your craft and keep your mind busy and focused on the next thing.

— Makayla

Are you a querying writer who’d like to share advice you’ve picked up from the trenches? Send us a DM on the X app or leave a comment for the next post!

Published by path2pub

From The Trenches To The Shelves

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