Submissions Advice For Writers: Part 2

Consider “silent sub.” Even if you’re a perfectionist like me, your mental health may still benefit from getting zero updates about your book on sub unless it’s a sale. Like the protagonists in our books, radio silence may not be the thing you want, but it may be the thing you need (wink wink) inContinue reading “Submissions Advice For Writers: Part 2”

Submissions Advice For Writers: Part I

Going on submissions can feel somewhat alien to writers because while the basics of the process are known, it is a far quieter process than querying. Writers on submissions rarely speak publicly on the subject, and for good reason! But the side effect is that it leaves many unprepared and can also have those outContinue reading “Submissions Advice For Writers: Part I”

Amber Has A Book Deal!

The title pretty much says it all! *Amber Has A Book Deal* Yesss!! We are so so excited for Amber’s next (BIG) step in the journey! Of Jade And Dragon sold at auction and will be coming out via Penguin Random House in 2024. You should absolutely check out Amber’s tweeted announcement for all theContinue reading “Amber Has A Book Deal!”

Dear Writers, You Are Wonderful

Music for post: Pentatonix – Love Came On Christmas Day So I got the Path2pub Christmas wreath. Thanks, Mariana! In case the current setup of the site hasn’t made it clear, this is my absolute favorite season and time of the year! Apparently, it has been revealed that Path2pub has both Grinches and Santa babiesContinue reading “Dear Writers, You Are Wonderful”

Reflections on the Querying World in 2022

I have been writing for 10 years now & I have been querying for about 5 years. I was desperate & hungry in the past few years that I threw 2 half-baked, struggling manuscripts into the world thinking they were excellent. It wasn’t until I found my “voice” & perfect little niche this year thatContinue reading “Reflections on the Querying World in 2022”

2022 & Me

I can’t believe it’s already the end of November! The year has gone by really fast and for me most of these past months consisted on waiting for the day my debut picture book, Santiago’s Dinosaurios, would finally hit the shelves. For this reason, I’ll always have a special place in my heart for 2022.Continue reading “2022 & Me”

AUPQ: How To Get Immersed In The Writing Community

Today’s Ask Us Pub Questions question is from Coral: Hi I would like to know about making friends in the writing community? I’ve checked your twitters and you ladies seem to be well entrenched in the community with friends and CPs etc. How does a new writer in the community get to that level? HiContinue reading “AUPQ: How To Get Immersed In The Writing Community”

Reflections on the Strange World of Publishing

It’s almost the end of the year! This time last year I had just signed with my agent and So Many things have happened since then. I went on sub, changed my agent, finished editing a second book… Seriously, where did all that time go? Here is a short reflection on some things that I’veContinue reading “Reflections on the Strange World of Publishing”

Navigating the Agent-Client Relationship

When you’re in the querying trenches, the goal is clear: Get that agent. But what happens after you have an agent? How are you supposed to work together for the next stage of your publishing career? Big thanks to Lucia for suggesting this topic, because I think it’s an important one and it’s useful toContinue reading “Navigating the Agent-Client Relationship”

#DVPit Most Iconic Tweets

Because this August 1st and 2nd 2022 is the DVPit Season in the writing community, and because Lucia is a total geek for all things publishing success stories, here are some of the most successful #DVPit pitches. Both in the sense that they got the authors agents and also launched the authors’ successful writing careers!Continue reading “#DVPit Most Iconic Tweets”

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