Our Christmas Wishes: A Path2pub Special

Merry Christmas everyone! We hope you’re having a wonderful holiday with your loved ones today. For our Christmas special, we’ll be sharing our wishes, sending them out into the world and to the birthday boy. We hope you join us in the comments! This Christmas, my wish is for everyone to get a restful breakContinue reading “Our Christmas Wishes: A Path2pub Special”

A Different Side to the Holidays

Thank you, Lucia for passing me the Christmas wreath! I’m a little unsure how to go about this post, because Christmas is a difficult holiday for me. However, I’m a big believer in transparency, so I’ll be as honest as I can & still attempt some Christmas cheer. Christmas is hard for me & myContinue reading “A Different Side to the Holidays”

Dear Writers, You Are Wonderful

Music for post: Pentatonix – Love Came On Christmas Day So I got the Path2pub Christmas wreath. Thanks, Mariana! In case the current setup of the site hasn’t made it clear, this is my absolute favorite season and time of the year! Apparently, it has been revealed that Path2pub has both Grinches and Santa babiesContinue reading “Dear Writers, You Are Wonderful”

The Most Wonderful Time…

December is finally here and I have to say that I’m enjoying it a lot already. I’m so happy that on this month the Path2Pub post gets to be about Christmas. I’m excited to share why I love this season so much (unlike Alex, haha). 🎄🎅🏻 To start, I have to say music is aContinue reading “The Most Wonderful Time…”

Christmas Joy or Grinch Grouchiness?

I was so excited about this post, because let me start with saying I’m super joyful on some Christmas traditions, in others…I’m the Grinch. Just like Bri, I don’t really read a lot of Holiday Christmas books, but I also don’t even watch Hallmark or Netflix Christmas movies. (Please don’t come at me!) I tendContinue reading “Christmas Joy or Grinch Grouchiness?”

The Christmas Post

I absolutely adore Christmas! It literally is my favorite time of the year. Traditionally the day after Thanksgiving in my family, my family puts up our Christmas decorations and the house is all Christmasy. There snow usually on the ground and around Christmas Day my mom makes Christmas cookies (however this year I will haveContinue reading “The Christmas Post”

All I Want For Christmas…

… is snow? To be very honest Christmas in the tropics is not my favourite thing because something feels off about singing Christmas carols while sweating. Every year I wish for a white Christmas (because I love snow) and I know it’ll never happen unless something really wacky happens with the climate or I buyContinue reading “All I Want For Christmas…”

Path2pub December Theme (And An Important Announcement)

Hello Readers! It’s almost the most wonderful time of the year (to many of us). Which means we have to pay homage on Path2pub! First of all, the idea for Path2pub was conceived in December 2021 and its OG Contributors all said yes to the site in December before we launched on January 7th. SoContinue reading “Path2pub December Theme (And An Important Announcement)”

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