Debut Author Interview: Megan Davidhizar

Path2pub focuses on the publication journey and the steps involved, therefore we are sharing interviews with debut authors to boost their amazing stories and also gain firsthand insight into their journey from querying writers to publication! Today, we are interviewing Megan Davidhizar! • Can you introduce yourself and your book? Hi, yes! I’m a highContinue reading “Debut Author Interview: Megan Davidhizar”

Debut Author Interview: Amber Chen

Path2pub focuses on the publication journey and the steps involved, therefore we are sharing interviews with debut authors to boost their amazing stories and also gain firsthand insight into their journey from querying writers to publication! Today, we are introducing Amber Chen. • Welcome back, Amber! Most of our site’s followers already know you, butContinue reading “Debut Author Interview: Amber Chen”

An Interview with SJ Whitby!

Ever wonder what self-publishing is like? Are you considering going into self-publishing? Amber speaks with prolific self-published author SJ Whitby to find out more about what inspired their publishing journey (and whether or not we’re going to get more Cute Mutants books)! SJ Whitby (they/them) is an author who’s responsible for the increasingly sprawling CuteContinue reading “An Interview with SJ Whitby!”

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