Looking For an Alpha/Beta Reader?

Hello Path2Pub readers!  You may recognize me from the Countries We Write In series here on the blog. I shared snippets of my life and writing journey in South Korea.  Now I’m back with a little bit of a different post. Today, I want to share my business with you. I have recently ventured intoContinue reading “Looking For an Alpha/Beta Reader?”

R&R: My Experience

Last week, while I was brainstorming which theme I should write about for this post, I worked on the edition of an interview I did with author Anna Orenstein-Cardona for the Las Musas blog. During our conversation, we talked about Anna’s soon to be published picture book, The Tree of Hope, and she also sharedContinue reading “R&R: My Experience”

Our Writing Processes: Mariana Ríos

I’ve really enjoyed reading about the writing processes of my fellow Path2Pub contributors this month. It’s been very interesting to get to know more about them and what’s behind their journeys as writers. Something I’ve learned from each of their posts is that everyone has a special way of writing that works well for eachContinue reading “Our Writing Processes: Mariana Ríos”

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