Our Christmas Wishes: A Path2pub Special

Merry Christmas everyone! We hope you’re having a wonderful holiday with your loved ones today. For our Christmas special, we’ll be sharing our wishes, sending them out into the world and to the birthday boy. We hope you join us in the comments! This Christmas, my wish is for everyone to get a restful breakContinue reading “Our Christmas Wishes: A Path2pub Special”

AUPQ: 5 Fun Facts About Path2pub?

For today’s Ask Us Pub Questions, Lena Stace wants to know: What are 5 fun facts about Path2pub? To answer this super fun question—which seems perfectly fitting for the final day of the month—we’ll list one fun fact about Path2pub each! Fact #1: This is such a unique question! I would have to say thatContinue reading “AUPQ: 5 Fun Facts About Path2pub?”

Us And Our MCs: A Ten But…

Welcome to another Path2pub Special! Following the hilarious twitter trend, we decided to make a bit of fun of our MCs in our manuscripts and WIPS. They’re A Ten BUT!! We look forward to seeing your takes in the comments! From my current manuscript: A Dyad Of Brass – He’s a ten, but he stealsContinue reading “Us And Our MCs: A Ten But…”

Valentines Day Special: Romance Tropes

Happy Valentines Day from the Path2pub ladies to you, dear readers! We hope you’re enjoying some wine and chocolate—or at least chilling with a steamy romance novel. In honor of this day of luvv, we’ve decided to share our favorite and least favorite romance tropes. 💕 💕Favorite Trope: Friends-to-lovers I know, I know—it sounds vanilla.Continue reading “Valentines Day Special: Romance Tropes”

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