Submissions Advice For Writers: Part 2

Consider “silent sub.” Even if you’re a perfectionist like me, your mental health may still benefit from getting zero updates about your book on sub unless it’s a sale. Like the protagonists in our books, radio silence may not be the thing you want, but it may be the thing you need (wink wink) inContinue reading “Submissions Advice For Writers: Part 2”

Submissions Advice For Writers: Part I

Going on submissions can feel somewhat alien to writers because while the basics of the process are known, it is a far quieter process than querying. Writers on submissions rarely speak publicly on the subject, and for good reason! But the side effect is that it leaves many unprepared and can also have those outContinue reading “Submissions Advice For Writers: Part I”

What It’s Like To Be On Submissions To Publishers

So Lucia and Amber have advanced from the editing stage with their agents to the *gasps* submissions to editors! 🥳. For any who might wonder, this is the step to publication that comes after: Getting an agent Editing your manuscript with them. Once your agent feels your MS is set, they pitch it to editorsContinue reading “What It’s Like To Be On Submissions To Publishers”

Publishing Industry Terminologies (Path2pub Special)

The publishing industry is a vast one. That means a whole vocabulary that writers entering the industry have to learn and keep up with. Many of these terms/acronyms we also use on Path2pub. And so for this Path2pub Special, we thought it would be great to make a list of publishing terminologies with their easy-to-understandContinue reading “Publishing Industry Terminologies (Path2pub Special)”

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