AUPQ: What Has Path2pub Meant To You?

So we made an announcement a few days ago about Path2pub taking a temporary (albeit indefinite) hiatus from the start of January 2023. And so for this group post, we’ll be sharing not just what our favorite features of Path2pub have been as asked by Garlow Mark, but also what Path2pub has meant to usContinue reading “AUPQ: What Has Path2pub Meant To You?”

The Most Wonderful Time…

December is finally here and I have to say that I’m enjoying it a lot already. I’m so happy that on this month the Path2Pub post gets to be about Christmas. I’m excited to share why I love this season so much (unlike Alex, haha). 🎄🎅🏻 To start, I have to say music is aContinue reading “The Most Wonderful Time…”

Countries We Write In: Mariana Ríos

As you may know, I’m Mexican but for the last 6 years I’ve been living in Anderson, South Carolina, USA and I love it. Anderson is a small southern town located two hours from Atlanta, Georgia. This town has been like a piece of heaven for me, with all the green, the wild animals, andContinue reading “Countries We Write In: Mariana Ríos”

Musically Spoken

Music has always been part of my life. I’ve always loved playing piano and singing. During my college years I used to participate in a student group that put on cover concerts at school. It was so much fun, those are definitely some of my dearest memories from those happy years. Afterwards, I had theContinue reading “Musically Spoken”

Writing and Illustrating Picture Books

In this post I’ll give you an insight on how the authors and illustrators work “together” to create a picture book. I’ll be talking specifically about my experience with Santiago’s Dinosaurios. Please consider that the process might be different with other publishers. When I signed up my contract with Albert Whitman & Co. in MarchContinue reading “Writing and Illustrating Picture Books”

R&R: My Experience

Last week, while I was brainstorming which theme I should write about for this post, I worked on the edition of an interview I did with author Anna Orenstein-Cardona for the Las Musas blog. During our conversation, we talked about Anna’s soon to be published picture book, The Tree of Hope, and she also sharedContinue reading “R&R: My Experience”

Our Writing Processes: Mariana Ríos

I’ve really enjoyed reading about the writing processes of my fellow Path2Pub contributors this month. It’s been very interesting to get to know more about them and what’s behind their journeys as writers. Something I’ve learned from each of their posts is that everyone has a special way of writing that works well for eachContinue reading “Our Writing Processes: Mariana Ríos”

A Piece of Myself

One of the things I love the most about being a writer is the piece of myself that goes into every one of my picture book stories. By doing this, a very special connection is created with each manuscript in a unique way. Over the past two years I have created several stories. One ofContinue reading “A Piece of Myself”

Why do I write?

Ten days ago, on April 8th, I had my first school visit as a children’s book author, and it was amazing. Even though my debut book is coming out until October, I was invited to talk to four 2nd grade classes as part of Legacy Day in my kids’ elementary. I was thrilled when IContinue reading “Why do I write?”

Querying my debut Picture Book

Today I want to share the query letter that helped me get my debut picture book published. In this case, the query wasn’t intended for an agent (although I followed the same structure that I used when querying for an agent). This letter was written for an editor who liked one of my pitches inContinue reading “Querying my debut Picture Book”

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