Agent Interview: Jackie Kruzie

A surefire way to determine an agent is the best fit for your manuscript/writing career is by learning everything you can about them. Such information is great when choosing who to query and deciding who you’d love to work long term with. As a site dedicated to guiding writers through the publication journey, we’ve put together awesome agent interviews for you!

Today, we’re introducing Jackie Kruzie of the Focused Artists Literary Agency!

• Path2pub: How did you become an agent?

I have always been a book lover so choosing a career in books was the logical choice. I earned a master’s degree in library science and worked in school and public libraries. Being around so many books sparked a desire to write. Children’s books are my first love so I joined the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) and began learning the art of writing for kids. I served as my local chapter’s regional advisor and hosted annual conferences where I connected with agents and editors. I was offered an editorial position at a small press focusing on STEM picture books. I connected with more agents and loved the idea of representing books across multiple genres. I completed a 6-month internship with Olswanger Literary before joining Focused Artists.

• Path2pub: What genres do you represent and why did you decide ‘these are what I want to help bring to the world’?

I represent both adult and children’s fiction and am looking for stories and characters that stay with me long after the last page is turned. 

In adult, I am looking for mystery, thriller, paranormal/supernatural, science fiction, and women’s fiction. Stories that explore worlds where extraordinary phenomena occur daily are fascinating to me. I love to imagine how I would utilize a special gift. I want to explore other worlds, I want to solve a mystery, I want to catch a killer and I’m not alone in these desires. I want to make sure there is always a book on the shelf for those who wish to experience the extraordinary.

In children’s, I am looking for books that create lifelong readers. I love fast-paced picture books that are easy to read aloud so librarians and teachers can share them with eager young readers. In middle grade, I want fun exciting stories that will cultivate a love of reading. Not every book needs a heavy moral lesson.

In Young Adult, I want to reach those who feel unseen and reassure them that they have a place in the world.

Path2pub: What instantly catches your eye in a query letter/manuscript?

A concise pitch. If you can describe the heart of your story in one well-written paragraph, or sentence for picture books, it tells me that you fully understand your characters, their motivations, and their obstacles.

• Path2pub: What is that element that makes you know at once that a story is not for you?

If I am not grounded in the story within the first couple of pages. If the setting, time period, or main character isn’t clear, I find it difficult to immerse myself. An author’s number one goal is to keep the reader turning the page and the best way to do that is to get them to care. I can’t care about a character if I don’t know who they are, and I can’t care about what is happening if I don’t know where I am.

• Path2pub: How hands-on are you editorially?

I am very editorial and find joy in the revision process. Revision is where magic happens so whether it’s grammatical edits or working on plot and pacing issues, I will help my clients polish and perfect their manuscript to ensure their best work is presented to editors.

• Path2pub: Do you have goals for how many clients you want to acquire in a year?

I don’t have a specific number in mind. I want to be able to give each client the attention they deserve so I will be picky with my choices and will have a smaller number of clients in the beginning. I will continue to grow my list as find my groove in the agenting world.

• Path2pub: What is your favorite trope?

I love a good enemies-to-lovers story. Whether it’s a bad first impression, opposite sides of a conflict, or an unsavory reputation that turned out not to be true. I enjoy stories where a seemingly hard-hearted character is seen through new eyes and respect and love grow.

• Path2pub: What are some books you think everyone should read?

This is a difficult question to answer. My time in libraries taught me that there is no general rule of thumb when giving a recommendation. Everyone is different. My number one goal is to ignite a love of reading and to do that I need to recommend a book that will speak to the individual.

I think people should read what gives them joy, not what is popular or what is considered a classic. That being said, when I read a book that brings me joy, I want to share it and the first book that brought me joy and made me a lifelong reader was Charlotte’s Web.

• Path2pub: If a writer could write a book specifically for you, what would you want it to be about?

Anything library related. A murder happened in the library; gasp! A spunky librarian fights book bans and falls in love with the new mayor; yes! A young witch visits the library to learn about her powers and discovers the source of her magic can be found in an ancient book that has been passed down from library to library by a secret coven of librarian witches; someone please write that book!

• Path2pub: What advice do you have for querying writers?

Cultivate your craft. Take classes, watch webinars, join a critique group, and connect with other writers. Talent is a small portion of writing; the rest is work. Do the work. 

• Path2pub: What are your non-publishing related hobbies?

I am a longtime yogi. I have been practicing yoga for over 20 years. I taught yoga and fitness classes throughout college and pre-natal yoga and fitness classes as a young mom. I no longer teach but I still practice and enjoy connecting with others who share that passion.

Jackie Kruzie is a writer and literary associate with Focused Artists. Her writing credits include The Lousy Layup, a graphic novel published by Capstone Publishing, and a contributing chapter in Serving Patrons with Disabilities published by The American Library Association. Her chapter titled Talk With Me received national recognition and was featured in American Libraries Magazine. She has taught numerous workshops on writing and literacy at writing and library conferences across the nation. Jackie is open to queries for childrenand adult fiction across multiple genres and only accepts submissions through Query Tracker at

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