Agent Interview: Vicky Weber

A surefire way to determine an agent is the best fit for your manuscript/writing career is by learning everything you can about them. Such information is great when choosing who to query and deciding who you’d love to work long term with. As a site dedicated to guiding writers through the publication journey, we’ve put together awesome agent interviews for you!

Today, we’re introducing Vicky Weber of The Purcell Agency!

  • Path2pub: How did you become an agent?

I’ve been in the industry for a while as an author and an author coach, specializing in children’s literature, so when The Purcell Agency was looking for a kidlit specialist, I connected with Tina Schwartz and applied for the position. The rest is history!

  • Path2pub: What genres do you represent and why did you decide ‘these are what I want to help bring to the world’?

I represent everything from board books through adult, but my two favorites are picture books and YA fiction. In picture books, I want heart, whimsy, and unexpected perspectives. In novels, I love fantasy, especially if it’s based on lesser-known folklore with marginalized characters…but I’m also a sucker for horror, thrillers, and genre-blending. Really, the books I represent are from authors who are passionate about their craft and who have a concept that I feel I have the best connections to sell.

  • Path2pub: What instantly catches your eye in a query letter/manuscript?

Honestly, I have a ton of great pitches sent my way, but often the execution itself isn’t there. I represent commercial fiction, so I want ‘showing’ rather than ‘telling’ and high intensity. Drop me into a moment and paint an intricate picture!

  • Path2pub: What is that element that makes you know at once that a story is not for you?

Infodumps and telling. If I read it and feel like you’re stating who the character is, where we’re at, and what’s happening, rather than letting the scene unfold, it’s not a fit for me. I want to feel like I’m learning details alongside the characters. That said, it also shouldn’t feel like a list of events. I want gripping intensity that gives me clues as to how the characters feel, what their world is like, etc.

  • Path2pub: How hands-on are you editorially?

Well…I try not to be too editorial (because there are only so many hours in the day), but it’s important to me that my authors have all the tools to be successful with every manuscript they write, which means I have a heavier hand at the start of their journey. That’s also why I want to work with authors who are positive, passionate, and dedicated.

  • Path2pub: How submissions-ready do you prefer a queried manuscript to be?

It should be submission-ready or close to it.

  • Path2pub: Do you have goals for how many clients you want to acquire in a year?

I do not. I purposely keep my list small because I don’t do this full-time.

  • Path2pub: What is your favorite trope?

Ooh, that’s hard. I’m open to anything, but if I had to pick, probably the reluctant hero.

  • Path2pub: What are some books you think everyone should read?

As a former teacher, I don’t believe in “one size fits all.” Not everyone is going to like every book and that’s okay! As an author, that’s something you’ll have to embrace too.

  • Path2pub: If a writer could write a book specifically for you, what would you want it to be about?

A commercial, plot-driven YA fantasy based on indigenous folklore with a strong female lead and a cast of marginalized characters, written by a marginalized author.

  • Path2pub: What is your favorite part of being an agent or an agenting experience you’ve had that you’ll always cherish?

Honestly, it’s a ton of fun. As an agent, I meet so many people both formally and informally.

  • Path2pub: What advice do you have for querying writers?

Feedback is your friend! Querying a manuscript can be overwhelming, but the best thing you can do is find a support system that will be honest with you and challenge you to keep growing.

  • Path2pub: What are your non-publishing related hobbies?

My degree is in music education, so I love making music – singing, playing, you name it! Oddly enough, I can’t write music. I can pen a book with no problem but for some reason, that skill doesn’t translate to musical composition. 😂

Vicky Weber is a former elementary school teacher turned children’s book author and literary agent. In addition to her own publications, she runs At Home Author, a coaching and consulting company that teaches current and aspiring authors how to get their books published and marketed for success.

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